Surface Lot Parking

Day Pass

Surface Lot Parking

Day Pass


Surface Day Pass

  • Permit Year - 2020-2021
  • Annual Cost - ~$3,384.00
  • Monthly Cost - ~$282.00


This permit is available to university visitors, as well as select university affiliates. Permit eligibility is determined by the university.

Permit Perks

  • The Day Pass can be purchased for up to 7 days in a row for $8.75 per day. We recommend selecting another permit if you are going to park for more than a week.
  • Comprehensive Surface Lot Access: The day pass provides access to all unrestricted surface lot spaces across campus (A, B, C, CX, WA, WB, WC, WC5) for one full calendar day.

Parking Access

Access to all central campus unrestricted spaces for the calendar day(s) purchased.

A Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
B Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
C Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
CX Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased


Access to all west campus unrestricted spaces for the calendar day(s) purchased.

WA Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
WB Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
WC Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased
WC5 Spaces For calendar day(s) purchased


The Surface Lot Parking Day Pass does not provide access to garages.

SafeAuto No Access
12th Ave. No Access
9th Ave. E.  No Access
9th Ave. W. No Access
N. Cannon No Access
S. Cannon No Access
Ohio Union N. No Access
Ohio Union S. No Access
Gateway No Access
11th Ave. No Access
Neil Ave.  No Access
Tuttle No Access
Northwest No Access
Arps Hall No Access
Lane Ave.  No Access
W. Lane Ave. No Access


Reminders for Permit Holders

We use license plate recognition technology to ensure that parked vehicles have valid permits and are parked in the appropriate areas. It's important to keep your vehicle license plate information current at all times. 

  • Up to two vehicles may be linked to a permit, but only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time.
  • Paid hourly parking or a valid visitor permit is required for an additional linked vehicle to be parked on campus simultaneously.
  • Permit holders are responsible for ensuring license plate information is correct. Failure to do so may result in citations.